Figura yang satu ini cukup hebat. Bukan sahaja berkenaan dirinya yang pernah viral suatu ketika dulu menjadi rakyat Malaysia pertama terbang ke angkasa lepas. Dan kini Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar menerapkan elemen itu pada anak-anaknya. Bapa kepada empat orang anak ini cukup mengambil berat soal pendidikan anak-anaknya walaupun mereka masih kecil lagi. Bukan sahaja mementingkan ilmu dunia, bahkan turut melengkapkan anaknya dengan ilmu agama. Malah lebih membanggakan anak perempuan sulungnya, Bella sudah khatam Quran seawal usia 6 tahun.

Baginya beliau, ikatan adik-beradik cukup penting dalam merapatkan hubungan silaturahim. Beliau percaya anak sulung memainkan peranan cukup besar dan menjadi contoh kepada adik-adik yang lain.

Sebagai ibu bapa kita juga turut memainkan peranan. Sewal usia mereka 7 tahun, bermain dengan mereka dan ajar nilai baik dalam hidup. Perkembangan mereka mengikut usia. Dan ketika usia 7 hingga 14, adalah masa untuk mendisiplinkan mereka. Terutama bab solat, membaca Quran dan tanggungjawab menjaga adik-beradik yang lain.

Pic – My Muslimah girls Bella & Tasha . Picking up the girls now at Islamic School . Since school holidays has begun we have been pushing Bella to complete and Qatam her Quran and that means sending her on a daily basis along with Tasha . TQ Ustazah Salmiah for accommodating us . Bella has 3 juzuk left of her Quran and Tasha at Iqra “ Book 4 . I try to instill everything to the girls before they start Primary One . They have to Master a Martial art – TaeKwan Do , Swimming on all 4 strokes , piano lessons , able to do Maths at Standard 4 level & English , horse riding skills and not forgetting Islamic values from Qatam AlQuran and able to read Jawi writings and loving the hijabs … and Alhamdulillah the girls are on the right path . What’s important to me is the girls are happy and enjoying life and preparing them to be strong for life ahead . Every parents dream is to make their children better than what they have achieved and I certainly raise the bar to the highest level . And to make this work both parents must have the same goals and vision for their children . Love As Always …. ?

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Dan ketika usia mereka 14 tahun pula, cubalah untuk menjadi kawan terbaik buat anak-anak. Tidak kiralah sama ada ayah atau ibu kedua-duanya perlu memainkan peranan masing-masing.

Walaupun menurutnya perjalanan anak-anaknya masih jauh, tetapi pendekatan yang digunakan ini tidak salah dalam memastikan perkembangan mereka menjadi teratur. Kata orang melentur buluh biar dari rebungnya.


Walaupun kedua-duanya anak perempuannya, Bella dan Tasha di hantar ke Sekolah Mandarin yang tiada pendidikan agama, tetapi bukan alasan untuk mereka belajar agama sejak dari kecil. Dalam hal ini sebagai ibu bapa yang memainkan peranan dan bertanggungjawab mendidik anak untuk lebih mendalami agama Islam.

Beliau ada pandangan sendiri kenapa memilih Sekolah Mandarin untuk pendidikan anak-anaknya. Menurut Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, Sekolah Mandarin adalah pilihan yang terbaik setakat ini.

Ramai ibu bapa bimbang untuk menghantar anak ke Sekolah Mandarin kerana bimbang akan berhadapan dengan masalah bahasa dan menghadapi situasi banyak kerja rumah. Juga faktor makanan halal menyebabkan ramai ibu bapa ragu-ragu untuk hantar anak ke sekolah berkenaan.

Tapi beliau mempunyai pandangan cukup berbeza kenapa memilih menghantar anaknya Bella yang memasuki darjah 1 ke Sekolah Mandarin awal Januari lalu.


Menurutnya teknik pengajaran di SJKC adalah luar biasa, pelajar lebih berdisiplin, anak-anak belajar bahasa asing dengan cepat kerana otak mereka lebih mudah disesuaikan berbanding dengan orang dewasa dan membawa makanan dari rumah setiap hari. Mengenai kerja rumah, setiap ibu bapa perlu habiskan satu jam sehari dengan anak mereka untuk membantu mereka dengan kerja sekolah mereka.

Pic – Do catch the January issue … and it’s in Malay . ? I will be touching on lots of issues on parenting tips . Many wanted me to write in Malay on my posts here but I felt the need to encourage everyone to speak in English – hence my reason . To me parenting is an experiment because there’s no black & white on how to raise your kids . Every child is different and some method might not work on others . You might give them the best education but at the end they might turn out differently and not as you expected . You might give them the best values but the outcome might be different . In other words – teach them the basic values and the best education and let them choose their own path once they leave the nest . But be there at all times from afar …. But I believe the eldest child plays a big role on the rest of the siblings . Normally the younger ones will follow the eldest as an example . Play with them with lots of love during the first 7 years . Teach them the good values , sharing things and on how to handle their emotions . EQ plays a big role here . From 7-14 it’s time to discipline them . Start making schedules and letting them know what you expect of them . Let it be Solat , Reading the Quran , doing their homework or even taking care of the other siblings . Have a one to one talk with your child as by now they should be able to berfikir by themselves. And above 14 – be their friend . Not just a friend but the best of friends . Daughters need mommy the most during these times and so are sons to Daddies . I still have a long way to go with my children but I believe with this formula you can’t go wrong . Not forgetting lots of Doa”s too along the way …. InsyaAllah…. To me family is everything and I would do anything for their best interest . And spending quality time with them as much as possible is what they need at the moment . They certainly need our love and guidance the most . Have A Great Week Everyone ….

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Jadi disebabkan kelebihan inilah kenapa angkasawan Negara ini menghantar anak-anaknya ke sekolah berkenaan.

Artikel Berkaitan: Dr Halina Mahu Hamil Lepas Lahirkan Kembar

Selain mengambil berat pendidikan dua anak perempuannya, beliau juga turut mengajar anak kembarnya yang baru berusia 4 bulan dengan teknik ‘flash card’. Video terkini yang dimuat turun menjadi perkongsian berguna kepada ibu bapa di luar sana yang mahu gunakan pendekatan ini dalam mengajar anak-anak terutama berdepan cabaran dalam dunia serba moden dewasa nanti.


Video – Word Flashcards At 4 months of age we have changed the flashcards from black&white dots and numbers into large red words . We do them in various topics like countries , flags , mammals etc but this week I have chose colours for the boys . The idea is not for the babies to understand the words but rather to imprint them in their memory which will help them to identify the words at a later stage . We practice these techniques to the girls and Bella started reading at the age of 3 and Tasha 3.5 years old which we are happy …. I do the flashcards quite fast due to their short attention span but what’s important is the boys are able to focus and excited on seeing the flashcards . Do these twice a day for a week and change topics weekly as babies get bored very fast . Have A Great Week Everyone … ?

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Bukan itu sahaja cara beliau mendidik kembarnya, Sheikh Noah dan Sheikh Adam, tetapi ada pelbagai cara yang cukup mudah untuk diikuti. Beliau tidak lokek berkongsi apa sahaja mengenai perkembangan anak-anak di laman instagram.

Vidèo – Adam & Noah The boys are growing very fast indeed . It has been sleepless nights for the both of us since their arrival . Life has been chaotic with the girls starting school and all . But it was worth it . At 5 months , the boys sleep less compared to before . That means more playtime and attention to them . They are getting good with their handgrip . That makes us easy to bottle feed them as they can hold on to their own bottle . Do buy lots of educational toys for them with bright colors and toys which help on their grip . Truly they are happy babies . And thanks to Bella & Tasha who loves taking care of them . Bella always acts like an elder sister playing with the twins but Tasha would squeeze hard on the boys cheeks and pressed their noses when no one is looking . Cheeky Tasha … ! So be careful when you leave your babies alone with other small siblings as they might not know how to express their love towards babies . So far we have yet to get any jealousy- feeling among the kids as we spend equal time with all of them . Salam Jumaat Everyone … PS – Adam loves putting his fingers into the mouth ….

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Walaupun sibuk dengan urusan kerja, namun kepentingan anak-anak melebihi segala-galanya. Memang menjadi misi beliau dan isteri tersayang, Dr Halina untuk memastikan zuriat mereka menjadi bijak, aktif dan sihat seperti mereka juga.

Dalam satu posting di laman instagram miliknya, Dr Sheikh memberitahu segala apa yang dibuat turut diiringi dengan doa kepada Allah. Insya-Allah segala urusan akan dipermudahkan oleh-Nya.



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